Your privacy is vital.

As an art psychotherapist who holds detailed and sensitive information about clients, I need to be clear with you about how I am aware of my data compliance duties in relation to GDPR.

The General Data Protection Regulations, GDPR, came into effect on 25th May 2018. In accordance with these regulations, this policy outlines my procedures for collecting, storing and processing personal information (data). Personal data refers to any detail about a living individual that can be used on its own, or with other data, to identify that individual. 

The aims of GDPR, known as ‘data protection principles’, ensure that all personal data is:

  • Used fairly and lawfully

  • Used for limited and specifically stated purposes

  • Used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive

  • Kept for no longer than necessary

  • Kept safe and secure

  • Not transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA) without adequate protection.

GDPR legislation is relevant to all workforce sectors. Data storage processes should be thought of as living things and reviewed regularly.

Data protection policy.

Creative psychotherapy is about empowerment and relationships. We share within a trusting, open and transparent relationship. In my early contact with you, I will explain as much as I can about:

  • Who I am

  • What creative psychotherapy is

  • How our sessions will be structured

  • What information I will need from you (this is currently captured using the Therapy Information and Contract).

All of the above is designed to enable you to make an informed choice about creative psychotherapy, and to enable me to offer this unique service safely, ethically and professionally.

As an independent creative psychotherapist, I am responsible for taking the lead on compliance, personal data, information and procedures, dealing with both internal and external access requests, and how the information collected is used. 

I never pass any of your information on to other parties without your express permission. I never, and will never, sell any details.

Unless there is a life-threatening emergency or safeguarding issue, as a professional and ethical practitioner I will always inform you and seek your consent throughout our therapeutic work together.

Why do I need the information I hold?

I need to request and store your details in order to administer and deliver the service you have requested, and to comply with any legal or professional body responsibilities that ensue in the delivery of that service. 

As a professional psychotherapist, I am bound to work to the guidelines of several different organisations:

Information Commissioner’s Office – for law and data protection

Health and Care Professions Council – my registration body

British Association of Art Therapists – my professional body

Howden Group - my insurance provider.

All of the parties listed above require me to request, store and write data about you. I hold this information as securely as I can, keeping only what is necessary before, during and after your therapy has ended. I hold this information in line with the considerations of all the guidelines and agencies listed above.

If held on paper, information is stored in a locked filing cabinet; if electronic, files and folders are password protected.

I will keep you informed of any changes or updates regarding how much information I must retain, and for how long. I will be responsive to any new information or tools.

Personal details

I need to record your name, address, contact details (email and/or phone number), date of birth / age, relevant health history, next of kin and GP details as standard. 

It is also good practice to inform your GP or relevant/significant professional that you are attending creative psychotherapy sessions. This is usually done by you, but we can discuss and decide together who it will be and who will inform them.

Phone numbers and texts sent from these numbers are stored in my phone under initials or single name only. My phone is password protected.

Email communication

I will store and use your email address for the purpose of our creative psychotherapy work. My signature, designation and contact details are included at the bottom of all my emails.

When sending emails, I try to anonymise wherever possible and to keep the tone general. Any detailed or private information you choose to send via email is your choice and responsibility.

If email is your chosen form of communication, I will respond in a similar tone and manner to your own. I store relevant emails in a folder on my iPad, which is password protected.

I will continue to seek new ways to further enhance encryption and safe data storage. If you are unhappy about any aspect of this, please let me know and we can agree for me to print and file the emails, or dispose of them completely (depending on clinical need).

Written letters, invoices and forms

To offer you the best possible service, there may be times when it is appropriate for me (with your express consent) to send letters, invoices or other relevant documents to you or your significant others (your GP, for instance). I will use the least amount of information needed for these to be functional and meaningful. I will then store these documents for my records.

Bank details

If you pay by BACS (bank transfer), please be aware that your chosen reference name/number will appear on my banking records, which I must keep for seven years for HMRC purposes. If these identify you in any way, I will endeavour to redact the paper statements accordingly.

Clinical notes and clinical supervision

I write brief clinical notes to assist me in my work. I also store your artwork to assist you in your therapy. You are always free to take your artwork at any time.

Clinical supervision is essential to the work I do, and I have regular supervision with a qualified clinical supervisor to assist me in reflecting on the work. The purpose of this is to ensure that I am doing the best job I possibly can. Please note that I may take your artwork (or photos of it) to my own supervision. Your specific consent will always be sought for further uses of your data/information for purposes such as research, exhibitions and publications. Any wish not to consent will in no way affect or prejudice your therapy or our therapeutic relationship.

I hope this information is helpful and clear. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.